The CDA founded the Eduardo Frei Foundation (EFF) in 1990, a year after the fall of the Berlin wall. The EFF was created since the need to establish relationships with our new neighbours was more apparent due to the fall of the wall. Political supressed neighbours should be introduced to another way of political engagement: democracy.

Since 1990, the EFF has carried out hundreds of projects on behalf of the development of democracy in Eastern and Central Europe. Recently, the Arabic region has been added to the focus of the EFF. 

The EFF has more than 70 motivated trainers who are pillars of the foundation. Next to this, the EFF has a board which consists of 7 members and three employees. Together, they strive as team for international solidarity.

Welcome to the website of the EFF!
Political trainings & conferences in:
Eastern Europe
The Arabic Region
The Balkans


EFF Team


De twaalf provinciale afdelingen vormen de schakel tussen de gemeentelijke afdelingen en het landelijke bestuur.