Togeher with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), the EFF organises the 'Balkan School of New Leaders - New Opportunities' in Serbia. The course aims to enrich the young participants' knowledge about politics and democracy in general. It also enables them to professionalize their own party's work culture. The goal is also to strengthen the mutual and cross-border ties between the participants in light of the possible accession to the EU. The regional aspect is considerd to be of great importance, hence the mutual exchange provides knowledge and the opportunity to connect new generations across borders. The training also focuses on christian democratic values, in order for the participants to be able to differentiate themselves from other political ideoligies when deliberating political issues. Partipants are from Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia and Kosovo.
Together with the KAS and the Belgrade Open School (BOS), the EFF also organises the yearly 'PolitiKAS' teambuilding school. During this teambuilding school, participants work on teambuilding and political skills. During the EFF sessions, the participants learn about value-based politics and corruption and integrity in politics. See the video below about the 2019 training for a insight in this project!
Since 2018, the EFF also started working together with the International Republican Institute (IRI) in Serbia. During the 'European Leadership Institute', participants from multiple Balkan countries are trained on various topics.