Together with the RSI, the Eduardo Frei Foundation provides training courses for young, active members of political parties from countries that are in the EU accession stage or from the European Neigbourhood region. In 2014 and 2015 these countries are Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine.
A sizeable group of former training participants has forged a career in politics back home. Some of them have won seats in their own council, regional parliament or have even become a government minister. Others have focused on 'train the trainer' activities and are engaged in sharing knowledge with colleagues.
After the candidates have been selected, they receive three training sessions. The first one is held in September and covers the basics of democracy. The second training in November is about international and security issues. The topic of the final training in January is challenges in the economic and social life. The different topics are easily relatable for the young participants and enables them to communicate these in public debates. The participants are expected to share their newly gained information with other members of their parties.
Flyer Robert Schuman Institute