The EFF is tied to a strict mandate and budgetary rules. The Foundation provides technical, organisational and financial support for projects that are executed in co-operation with Christian Democratic and like minded organisations.

It can not give direct financial support for general purposes of co-operation. Funds that are currently available to the EFF may be used in support of Christian Democratic parties or organisations in the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia,  Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine

At the beginning of each year the EFF board prepares an Annual Plan which sets priorities in countries that will receive support and on issues or themes that will get preference. To apply for funding written applications in a standard EFF format must be sent to the board of the EFF. The application should include information on the need, objectives, budget, participants and programme of the project.

The application will be carefully assessed by the board. Its approval of a project will depend on the quality of the application and on the availability of funds. A thorough evaluation should be part of the project.


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